Latest News
Shortlisted Scottish independent law firm of the year 2023!
We are proud and excited to announce that we have been shortlisted by the Herald Law awards for Scottish independent law firm of the year 2023! Just to be shortlisted is an absolute honor and we wish all those in the running the best of luck. Roll on awards night....
26 October
Judicial review success!
A longstanding bugbear for Ormistons and no doubt many mental health professionals has been the lack of powers available to mental health tribunal panels to grant a recorded matter for persons subject to a Compulsion Order. It has been our view that where a person has been acquitted of a crime due to mental disorder […]
20 October
Discover Our Services
From the North to the South of Scotland
In Ormistons, we recognise the need for a specialist mental health legal service across the length and breadth of the Scottish mainland and Isles. For that reason, the same level of service is provided regardless of geographical location.